April 16rocketplaynodepositbonuscodes, the water purification concept plunged intraday. As of 11:15, the overall index of the water purification concept fell by 6rocketplaynodepositbonuscodes.05%, reported at 1018rocketplaynodepositbonuscodes.980 points.

From the perspective of individual stocks, the conceptrocketplaynodepositbonuscodesAmong the constituent stocks of the company, Sanda Film fell 5.72%, with Jianlin Home Furnishings, Wanhe Electric and Wharton Technology leading the decline.

In terms of funds, as of press time, the net inflow of the main water purification concept was-163 million yuan, of which Wharton Technology was popular with funds, with a net inflow of 9.6487 million yuan; looking at the extended timeline, the main capital of the sector in the past 20 days. Net inflow of funds was-1.098 billion yuan.

(The above content is Tencent's self-selected shares based on public information and intelligently generated by program or algorithm. It is only used as a reference for users to see the market, not as investment advice or trading basis. The stock market is risky, so be careful.)